Friday, 10 April 2015

Mission Rwanda Fungi 2015

From 13 April until 4 May , the Botanic Garden Meise (Belgium) undertook a scientific expedition to Rwanda to make an inventory of edible mushrooms from the mountain forests and national parks: Volcanoes National Park, Gishwati Forest Reserve, Nyungwe Forest…During an exploratory expedition in November 2014, a whole range of mushrooms were identified on-site.

Within the group of edible mushrooms are a number of species that have a definite economic value for local communities.  These species will be collected and then propagated by Kigali Farms, a for enterprise with a social purpose. This unique project combines fundamental and applied research.  It also seeks to have immediate but sustainable development by generating income for local communities and commercial concerns.

For the mission, the project will be communicated from this blog.  We will publish as many reports as possible about the various phases of the project.  This media will also serve as a diary of the mission.

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